This post below will show you how RYANAIR do business which involves recruiter St James Management / M2 Training Limited / Work Skills Limited being involved in getting 100s of thousands of £ from the UK Skills funds for cabin crew training and Apprenticeship and going into liquidation to clear to trails which lead to RYANAIR..
The Ryanair Way
''Creating ownership structures that serve to deceive''
John said,
I will try my best to show you THE MAZE of deception on how UK RYANAIR cabin crew training is paid from UK Skills Funding Agency and exploit young people wanting a career in aviation as cabin crew,keeping any blame away from them.This will be happening in all European countries Ryanair work from ..St James Management and Crewlink Ireland Limited are used by Ryanair to keep any blame away from their airline.The CEO of Ryanair Mr Michael O'Leary clearly states these companies are third party providers of cabin crew /training and not related to Ryanair,which is a lie. O'Leary will have you believe that these are training schools that Ryanair recruit from and have no involvement in their training which also is a lie.
In 2004 Ryanair set up agent St James Management (UK) Limited with the help from a guy called John Richard Mudge and Crewlink Limited with the help of Ms Judy Byrne & Mr Frank Whelan.
St James Management (UK) Limited registered and trading address Unit 2 Woodside, Dunmow Rd, Birchanger, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, CM23 5RG
Crewlink Limited registered and trading address unit 39,Block h,Southern Cross Business Park,Boghall Road,Bray, Co Wicklow,Ireland...St James Management Services charge new Ryanair recruits up to £2000 to train as cabin crew with training conducted by Ryanair.St James Management Services have been posted on the Ryanair career page since 2004 but in 2013 were taken off.You will see later why Ryanair are distancing themselves from St James/M2 Training/Work Skills... Training money trail stays with St James Management.
Crewlink Ireland Limited charge new Ryanair recruits up to £3000 to train as cabin crew with training conducted by Ryanair
.Ryanair will have us all believe that cabin crew training is done by third party providers which is not true,Third party providers are used for the money trail and Crewlink used to continue the cabin crew hourly rate of pay SCAM.
St James Management (UK) Limited have change their company name to St James Employment Services Limited and now St James Management Services Limited..They have also changed their address from Unit 2 Woodside, Dunmow Rd, Birchanger, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, CM23 5RG to 1 Elliott Road,Love lane,Industrial estate,Cirencester,Gloucestershire GL7-1YS.
Yet again St James Management Services have changed their address to 302,Cirencester Business Park, Love,Cirencester,Gloucestershire,GL7 1XD
St James Management Services
Crewlink Limited have change their company name to Crewlink Ireland Limited..Both of these so called third party providers of cabin crew training for Ryanair either change their company name or go into Liquidation every 4 to 6 years as a way to hide the abuse done to young cabin crew, making sure the millions of £ each year keep rolling in from recruitment and termination of young cabin crew all over Europe.
The very same year (2004) a Texas Billionaire David Bondermanfrom TPG Capital became the CHIEF at Ryanair who transformed the way in which Ryanair recruit and train young cabin crew which involves exploitation and making as much money off these young cabin crew as possible.
Mr Bonderman's influence got major hedge fund CEO's run by American Israeli to invest in Ryanair with ..... being the largest investor with ???? million shares.
Priority not only being share price but the continues robbing of Ryanair's young cabin crew's salary with the help of Crewlink Ireland Limited.
St James Management (UK) Limited in 2008 changed their trading name to St James Management Services Limited and the very same year my 18 year old daughter starting training as cabin crew only to be terminated within weeks..Crewlink Limited also went into liquidation in 2008 and resurfaced as Crewlink Ireland Limited with the same business address.
After the termination of my daughter in 2008 i started the Ryanairdontcare Campaign, with my main aim being to inform young people of the Ryanair moto ''LIVE THE HIGH LIFE'' for cabin crew which simply, was not only a lie but would wreck the lives of thousands of young people all over Europe and continue to do so,making Ryanair million £ in the proses with Governments,Airport Authorities and the Irish Aviation Authority turning a blind eye..
In 2010 St James Management Services Limited teamed up with M2 Training Limited business address 1 Elliott Road,Love lane,Industrial estate,Cirencester,Gloucestershire GL7-1YS.
Yet again St James Management Services have changed their address twice and the third time finally to 302,Cirencester Business Park, Love,Cirencester,Gloucestershire,GL7 1XD.
Director's involved with St James Management Services are, Ryanair's mate John Richard Mudge, Philip James Linehan,Ducan Naylor and John Michael Henry.operating Ryanair cabin crew apprenticeships and applying for £millions in training grants 2010/2011/2012 from the UK Skills fund Agency...In 2010 to 2012 the total amount claimed for Ryanair cabin crew Apprenticeship/Certificate by M2 Training Limited was £1,286,900 out of over £9,000,000 given to M2 Training Limited in 2010 to 2012.In December 2012 M2 Training Limited went into liquidation owing dept of £1.2 million.Up step Work Skills Limited who took over from M2 Training Limited,Directors being Philip James Linehan,Ducan Naylor and John Michael Henry,business address 302 Cirencester business park,Love lane,Cirencester,Gloucestershire GL7-1XD.
In 2012/2013 funds of £757,500 were claimed by Work Skills Limited for Ryanair cabin crew Apprenticeships,total claimed by Work Skills Limited of .£2,595,539 in 2012/2013.
In 2014 Work Skills Limited changed business address to Priory Lodge,London Road,Cheltenham,GL52-6HH and in the last few days have gone into liquidation.
I can also confirm St James Management Services who have help wreck the lives of thousands of young people wishing a career in aviation as cabin crew, have give notice that liquidation is on its way.
In 2012 this campaign first contacted Skills Fund Agency and did ask for an investigation regarding Ryanair cabin crew apprenticeships involving M2 Training Limited,Ryanair,St James Management and Work Skills Limited with all replied being posted below.
1, As you can see on the Ryanair careers page StJames Management Services who are the UK recruiter of young people wishing a career as cabin crew.First port of call StJames Management Services...
2, StJames Management Services address from the start.Training was still conducted here but nothing registered at this address since 2010.
3, As you can see many business names and address,s used to keep the thousands of £2,000 payment to St james management for cabin crew training since 2004.
M2 Training Limited
4, As you can see M2 Training Limited directors, Henry,Linehan and Naylor become involved with StJames Management in 2010.
5, As you can see below Ryanair target UK Universities.StJames Management Services are recruitment partners with Ryanair and NOT cabin crew trainers.Ryanair continue to say the fee paid to StJames Management Services is for cabin crew training course run by StJames Management Services.
6, As you can see from the aviation job search below,St James Management Services say they recruit and TRAIN cabin crew for Ryanair.This is not true,Ryanair conduct the cabin crew training.
M2 Training working with Ryanair recruits in NVQ qualifications with no mention of apprenticeships just yet...
7, Latest advert below on from Ryanair/St James..''LIVE THE HIGH LIFE'' the Ryanair cabin crew moto..
StJames Management are now recruitment partners of Ryanair with no mention of St James Management conducting training. M2 Training are still fully involved even though they went into liquidation on 8th May 2013.M2 Training offering laptop and mobile phone to entice new recruits.
The job type Contract/Self-employed meaning new recruited cabin crew on Ryanair will be employed through a self-employment system similar to Pilots,meaning all contributions and holiday pay will be paid by cabin crew.Even lower salary rates for new recruits.
St James Management Services have gone into liquidation but still place adverts for Ryanair cabin crew jobs.
8, As you can see below St James Management Services offering new recruits a new career travelling the world as Ryanair cabin crew.Offering new recruits the approved Boeing 737-800 cabin crew training course with St James Management Services which is not true.
St James Management Services recruit,take payment for training and facilitate the training.
Ryanair conduct training.Crewlink Ireland recruit cabin crew from the training course,giving them a probationary contract as a way to take no blame on termination.
St James Management Services facilitate training,recruit and take payment for training.
Ryanair conduct the training course.
Crewlink Ireland give out working contracts so that thousands of young cabin crew at Ryanair are under their control on paper.Termination of thousands of young people working as cabin crew at Ryanair have no claim whatsoever against Ryanair.
Ryanair pay Crewlink Ireland a hourly rate of pay for thousands of cabin crew with 50% being kept by Crewlink which runs into millions £ each year.Ask yourself why would Ryanair not take control of training payments,probationary contracts and hourly rate of pay.
The PAYE and holiday pay has no reflection of why Ryanair use paper companies.High termination rates at probationary cabin crew at Ryanair generate un paid flights as final salary and commission is kept by Crewlink Ireland.
Ryanair use these paper companies to hide the fact that over 10,000 young people have been terminated by Crewlink Ireland with 50% of the per hourly rate of pay being paid by Ryanair to Crewlink Ireland with many shareholders not knowing this,lining the pockets of David Bonderman & Michael O'Leary..
In UK.....
1 x Crewlink Ireland probationary cabin crew member works 70 hours for one month.
Ryanair pay Crewlink Ireland £26.80 per hour total £1,848 for 70 hours for one month
Crewlink Ireland pay probationary cabin crew £924 for 70 hours for one month.
£924 for one month probationary cabin crew goes were ????????
With 4800 probationary cabin crew members out of 6000 working at Ryanair paid this way.
Total being paid by Ryanair to Crewlink in agent fee's each month £4,435,200 million.
In a twelve month period total being £53,222,400......We all know Ryanair so ask yourself would Ryanair pay this fee to Crewlink without money going into senior management pockets..
9, My first ever direct action protest against Ryanair in 2009 was at the Ashes test match in Cardiff. As you can see from the t shirt,''Ryanair stop scamming our children '' reference to St James Management & Crewlink Ireland.
Anti-Ryanair Dad Protest
10, My Second direct action protest at St James Management Services on a recruitment day was covered well by the local Herts & Essex Observer.This was the second story they had run on our campaign (see Ryanair's letter later). I was told by the reporter from the observer that a large amount of Terminated Ryanair cabin crew had contacted them complaining that they had been conned.
I wish to personally thank Sinead Holland for being the first highlighting the exploitation of young cabin crew at Ryanair.
Michael O'Leary was not a happy chappy (see Ryanair letter later) as the local newspaper for Ryanair's main UK hub Stanstead Airport is Hert and Essex Observer..
11, Report below from the Guardian scratches the surface of fees.
12, My court case against St James Management's John Mudge in 2010 at Uxbridge Magistrates Court.I was charged and convicted of Harassment of John Mudge. You can see the clerks notes below and see what the owner (on paper) of St James Management John Mudge says under oath regarding the Ryanair cabin crew training.
Ryanair will say a third party provider conducts the cabin crew training which is not true.
John Mudge said he has a contract with Ryanair to train and recruit cabin crew and he also states he facilitate the Ryanair cabin crew training.Trained students and making it easier is what John Mudge is saying under oath.
13, Under oath Christina McKay the general manager at St James Management Services said We are recruitment and training company for cabin crew for airlines.No other airline uses St James Management Services to train their cabin crew.All airlines conduct their own training.If you complete the Ryanair cabin crew training and choice to work at an other airline in the future you must complete their own training.St James Management Services have only ever been involved with Ryanair regarding payment for training and air side ID cards for Ryanair crew.
Christina McKay under oath states Ryanair provide instructors in cabin crew training but Ryanair continue to say training is run by third party training providers.Christina McKay said Page 27 ''We recruit applicants,offer a place on training course with St James Management,we process applications for airport ID''this is the part of St James Management Services say when they facilitate.
So third party trainers of cabin crew employ Ryanair training instructors to train cabin crew ? Ryanair TRAIN Cabin Crew Mr O'Leary.....THE MAZE CONTINUES...
14, The letter below is from former head of communication at Ryanair Mr Stephen McNamara.
This letter was sent to the editor of the Herts & Essex Observer which is a local newspaper.
McNamara clearly states trainers are third party providers and Ryanair management recruit and train new recruited cabin crew.
In 2008 up to 60% of probationary cabin crew were being terminated and not lower than 30%
as Ryanair say....Ryanair say they do not have time to waste to recruiting cabin crew and let
them go but fail to say cabin crew that are Terminated are paying up to £2800 to train.The more
Ryanair recruit the more they terminate...
15, Mr Norman Baker MP tried his best by asking Ryanair for levels of Termination which were never answered.The letter below is from a Darrell Hughes deputy director of personnel at Ryanair who clearly state ''training courses run by third party trainers'', Ryanair trainers conduct training and third party training organisations take payment.As you can see in the last paragraph Hughes mentions
refund in training fees which was never mentioned by Mr Baker.Wording Training organisations,Third Party training and Training School are mentioned continuously in this letter.
16, Darrell Hughes deputy director of personnel at Ryanair clearly states St James Management
are a training school.He also states Crewlink Limited hire cabin crew to work at Ryanair.
Crewlink Limited had gone into liquidation in 2008 and up stepped Crewlink Ireland
17, Ryanair careers page '' St James Management Services '' have gone as they are going into
liquidation at present which is done to hide Ryanair's continues exploitation of young
people all over Europe wishing a career as cabin crew with the connection of M2 Training/
Work Skills Ryanair Cabin Crew Apprenticeships which costs the UK Government 100s of
thousands of £.A full investigation is needed into St James Management Services.
19, As you can below St James Management Services Limited have added a new address to
to facilitate the Ryanair cabin crew training.3rd Floor Endeavour House Coppers End Road
Stansted Essex.
20, LIQUIDATION of RYANAIR PAYMENT AGENT St James Management Services Ltd.
The connection of M2 Training/Work Skills to Ryanair./St James will not go away
Mr O'Leary
A full investigation is needed into Ryanair cabin crew trainers and recruiters.
21, The next 3 photos show you John Michael Henry,Duncan Naylor and Philip James Linehan who joined St James Management Services Ltd in 2010 as directors.Introducing Ryanair to cabin crew apprenticeship with a company called M2 Training Ltd/Work Skills who received £1,667.900
from Skills Funding Agency for Ryanair cabin crew apprenticeships with both companies going into
liquidation.All the companies involving these 3 directors below must be investigated so that the UK
Government Skills Fund Agency is given to honest companies run by honest people..
22, In 2013 M2 Training Ltd went into liquidation with the 3 same directors above changing the Ryanair cabin crew apprenticeship to Work Skills and continuing to receive money off the UK Government Skills Funding Agency... SHOCKING......
22, Money received by M2 Training Ltd 2010/2011 from Skills Funding Agency for Ryanair cabin crew apprenticeships
23, Ryanairdontcare Campaign sent a Freedom of Information request to Skills Funding Agency in July 2012 in relation to Ryanair's apprenticeships/cabin crew certificate which were they had funded.
23, September 2012 Ryanairdontcare Campaign contacted the Skills Funding Agency regarding our concerns about M2 Training Limited,St James Management and Ryanair in relation to Ryanair cabin crew apprenticeships.As you can see an investigation took place with Skills Funding Agency
confirming nothing of concern or untoward regarding my concerns even though M2 Training Ltd were about to liquidate after receiving over £4,000,000 in training grants that year. Grants given and exempted involving Ryanair or any other company involved since 2010,which must include Skills Funding Agency must be investigated fully.
Up pops Work Skills Ltd directors John Michael Henry,Duncan Naylor and Philip James Linehan with Ryanair cabin crew apprenticeships being a major part of Skills Funding to be continued..Liquidate one business open second business, the Ryanair recruitment way...
Investigation is needed..
25, Work Skills Ltd involved in Ryanair cabin crew apprenticeships. Look at the address..
26, Liquidation on the way in 2014 for Work Skills's Ryanair's cabin crew apprenticeships.. Look at the address .
27, Liquidated 2014 for Work Skills's Ryanair's cabin crew apprenticeships.. Look at the address it has now changed to Priory Lodge,Cheltenham...Investigation needed please...
28, One final icing on the cake. Work Skills Ryanair's cabin crew apprenticeships funds from Skills Funding Agency continued to flow.In 2012/2013 Work Skills were paid £2,595.539 in total from UK Government Skills Funding Agency with £757,500 claimed for the Ryanair cabin crew apprenticeship.....
Personnel message to Michael O'Leary from John Foley
Added 28th March 2014.
St James Management Services who are involved in scamming young people wishing a career as cabin crew have Deleted their website yesterday after this post above was posted.
This is great news but their involvement in Air Side ID must also be stopped by Department of Transport.
St James Management Services who since 2004 have been involved in scamming thousands of young people wishing a career as cabin crew have Deleted their website yesterday after the post below was posted.
This is great news but their involvement in recruitment of Ryanair cabin crew must be fully investigated.
Added 31st March 2014...
Look at the Irish Government on this blog then Ryanair..INTERESTING..Friends in high places..
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Green-Webb Amanda
To MeFreedom of Information
Today at 11:46 AM 1st April 2014
Dear Mr Foley
You asked who the funding claimed by Work Skills related to.
To clarify:
can confirm that the £757,500. Funding claimed by Work Skills in
2012/2013 for Cabin Crew apprenticeships was in relation to the
following employers:
· St James Management Services Ltd
· Crewlink
Of the funding claimed by Work Skills (£757,500):
· £750,100 was in relation to the training for St James Management Services Ltd
· £7,400 was in relation to the training for Crewlink
So, the total funding claimed for the cabin crew apprenticeships was £757,500.
Yours sincerely
Amanda Green-Webb
Information Rights Manager
Skills Funding Agency
Cheylesmore House
Quinton Road
T: 024 7682 3996
John said,Amanda Green-Webb
Information Rights Manager
Skills Funding Agency
Cheylesmore House
Quinton Road
T: 024 7682 3996
Work Skills Ltd and St James Management have gone into liquidation after receiving £Millions from UK Gov SKILLS FUNDING AGENCY for Ryanair cabin crew apprenticeship This is not the first time or the last time this will happen.UK Government need to act NOW....