
9 Jan 2012

FR9128 from Liverpool to Oslo Rygge diverted to Newcastle after the captain became unwell in-flight. ..WEEK OF ACTION 12th MARCH 2012 AGAINST RYANAIR EUROPE'S GREATEST EXPLOITERS OF CABIN CREW...

A passenger flight was diverted to Newcastle Airport after the captain became ill.
The Ryanair flight had taken off from Liverpool and was travelling to Oslo on Sunday night.
Ryanair said the first officer landed the plane and a stand-by captain was called to operate the flight after a two-and-a-half hour delay.
A Newcastle Airport spokesman said the plane landed safely at about 20:45 GMT.
A Ryanair statement said: "FR9128 from Liverpool to Oslo Rygge diverted to Newcastle after the captain became unwell in-flight.
"The first officer landed the aircraft normally and a standby captain was called out to operate the flight, with a two-and-a-half hour delay.
"Ryanair apologises sincerely to the passengers on this flight for the resultant delay."

John said,
Would be interested to see if this Pilot has any stress and fatigue as a direct result of Ryanair Management.. As the flight was two-and-a-half hours delayed please give a thought for probationary cabin crew on this flight who did not get a any free drinks or paid a penny off Ryanair for this delay......
Exploitation of crew is Ryanair's priority....
Best wishes to the captain pilot on this flight...

1 comment:

Europe's No 1 Anti Ryanair Campaigner John Foley.... said...

Thank you for your comment but i can not allow any sort of adverts on this blog...