
28 Apr 2013


As you can see after viewing this video below of Exploiter Michael O'Leary, his main aim in the airline industry is how many young Probationary Cabin Crew he can exploit.
Michael O'Leary is the biggest lair when it comes to CEO's of airlines.He continues to brag on the jobs Ryanair create which is a Lie.Ryanair have the biggest Termination rate of young probationary cabin crew,all paying a large training fee,based in a foreign land for the main reason to make as much money out of their salary as possible.New recruits do not know the Ryanair way until they have joined and paid the training fee..It then dawns on them the mistake they have made and most are Terminated which sends them in depression and in some cases ends in suicide.

Ryanairdontcare Campaign were contacted yesterday by a young probationary cabin crew member who has seen it is a scam after only a few months.Monthly salary as low as 500 euro with up to 3 days a week on home standby,which is un-paid...Even being rostered to work being called one hour before by Ryanair to cancel their duty...We have also been informed that salary payment at Ryanair,which is paid on the 10th of each month,has been delayed by Ryanair.Putting more misery on probationary cabin crew..
The delay in salary payment is new plus more un-paid home standbys each week is Ryanair's way of making these probationary cabin crew leave before Ryanair need to Terminated them.We can confirm a fee must be paid to Ryanair if new recruits leave under 12 months...
If young people want a career in aviation as cabin crew,YOU MUST AVOID RYANAIR...

Scum Bag O'Leary Video below...


John said,
Ryanair's David Bonderman and Michael O'Leary are ''SCUM''... Their day will come,pay back time very soon Michael...Doomed to Fail......
 Total Union European boycott to follow.................
As for buying Boeing aircraft,commission and share price directly in Bonderman and O'Leary's pockets...Ryanair Chief David Bonderman US Billionaire friends with Boeing executives ''INTERESTING''...   

1 comment:

Europe's No 1 Anti Ryanair Campaigner John Foley.... said...

Protests and Campaign will continue to fight Bonderman and O'Leary...