
8 Mar 2016


                                            Is this money laundering by Ryanair ?

A former Ryanair pilot Mark Christensen who quit his job after being demoted for refusing to carry bag full of CASH to Ryanair's HQ in Dublin.
We at Ryanairdontcare Campaign have exposed the Ryanair Scam which involves multi €millions from sales of the Ryanair on board charity scratch card with less than 1% going to charity.
Now read the article below and see if you understand what Ryanair are up to here.We at Ryanairdontcare Campaign got told this story over the red bags full of cash in the cockpit a few years ago and posted in on this blog.Ryanair's recruitment for termination of young probationary cabin crew brings  in even more €millions.
Nice to see the BBC on this blog today.Not going to post what they are looking at because someone is watching.

British Broadcasting Corporation ( label IP Address    (2 returning visits)
United Kingdom FlagLondon, United Kingdom    
8 Mar14:12:03
Mark Christensen (41) told the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) today that he was left stunned when Peter Bellew, the budget airline’s former deputy director of flight operations, told him that the courier-type bags containing cash from the airline’s in-flight sales on its fleet of jets are “carried at times” on board without documentation.
This is despite strict aviation regulations requiring all bags and other cargo brought on board by airline staff be sealed and signed off on official documents, the tribunal heard.
Mr Christensen, who was a pilot with Ryanair for 17 years,  said he refused to bring the cash bags back to the airline’s Dublin hub on a flight from Manchester because he was ultimately responsible for the safety and security of the flight and its passengers and crew.
“I had no idea what the contents of the bag were. It could hold anything,” he said of the incident that occurred a week after the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 atrocity in New York City on September 18, 2014.
“In my opinion, it did pose a safety risk to the aircraft. It was an unacceptable risk,” he said, adding he was unable to access the bags for a visual inspection because they were sealed.
“To me I was just carrying out my normal duties in a prudent and responsible manner,” he said.
He described an ensuing investigation into the matter by Ryanair human resources deputy director Darrell Hughes as more of an “interrogation and ambush” which he felt was  “lopsided, unfair and impartial” in which the issue of the airline’s procedures on undocumented cargo was never addressed.
He testified that the subsequent disciplinary process in which he was demoted from the senior position of captain to first officer  – with a loss of basic pay of around €50,000 a year – as “completed unwarranted” and an “unacceptable sanction.”
He tendered his resignation in October 2014 and refused to retract it as requested by Mr Bellew, who has since gone on to the post of Chief Operations Officer for Malaysian Airlines, the tribunal heard.
“I firmly believe what I did was correct and I would still do it today,” he said.
Mr Christensen is now seeking six month’s pay in compensation from the airline, claiming he was constructively dismissed.
He is currently working as a pilot in China as a captain there but is commuting every month to be with his wife and three-year-old daughter who remain in Dublin.
Ryanair barrister Martin Heyden, SC, told the tribunal that he will produce evidence to show that there was documentation accompanying the cash bags.
The airline previously told the tribunal that7 Mr Christensen was uncooperative and that he refused to carry the bags before checking for documentation.
The hearing resumes tomorrow.


John said,
Amazing what Mark Christensen has done here.Look at what he said,
''He described an ensuing investigation into the matter by Ryanair human resources deputy director Darrell Hughes as more of an “interrogation and ambush” which he felt was  “lopsided, unfair and impartial” in which the issue of the airline’s procedures on undocumented cargo was never addressed.''

Ryanair's Darrell Hughes is a Scum Bag of the highest order and was involved in pilot pressure at Liverpool's John Lennon Airport in 2011 when Ryanair pilot Paul Ridgard committed suicide.Information below. http://ryanairdontcarecrew.blogspot.co.uk/2011/06/paul-ridgard-rip-ryanair-first.html.
Look at the video below when Ryanairdontcare Campaign confronted Scum Bag Darrell Hughes.

7 Mar 2016



Ryanairdontcare Campaign exposed the charity scam involving Ryanair's on board charity scratch cards,Ryanair have given more to charities over the last few months thanks to our campaign.You can see the article in the Daily Mirror below.
Ryanair defend themselves over these claims.
As you can see some of the charity publicity stunts Ryanair have done over the last few months to counter the scam we exposed.Ryanair have took to twitter blinding the public into believing all is well.#RyanairWinAMillion #ScratchCards with big donations from the on board Ryanair charity scratch card given to selected charities.
What you are not being told is that over the last few months prior to February Ryanair have donated more to charity than they did the the whole of 2013/2014.Even though it is less than 1% of ticket sales in the region of €20 million.

The photo below is the CEO of Jack & Jill children's charity in Ireland Jonathan Irwin who has been given €10's of thousands from Ryanair.WE MUST POINT OUT Mr IRWIN WORKED AT RYANAIR AND IS A FRIEND OF RYANAIR'S CEO Michael O'leary.

A few weeks ago Ryanair stepped up the charity con buy donating not €5,000 or€10,000 as the norm but a staggering  €50,000 which was a great publicity stunt captured on video by Ryanair below.

Ryanair said “We don’t disclose how many scratch cards are sold, as this is commercially sensitive. However, over the past five years Ryanair has donated over €2m to almost 50 charities across 12 different EU countries. These charities cover a wide range of hospitals, schools, child welfare and sports club fundraising. Over the last 12 months alone more than €500,000 was donated to charitable causes.

Great to see our campaign has helped these charities get more from Ryanair but do not be fooled, Ryanair have sales of close to €20,000,000 from their on board 
charity scratch card in 2015.PROFIT and EXPLOITATION is PRIORITY at Ryanair.

Up step the real Ryanair chief David Bonderman who is the real boss at Ryanair.

Bondo to his friends is fully aware of the negative publicity our campaign generated in 2015 for Ryanair which tarnished his name, so he has donated personally €670,000 to the Wildcat Foundation from his own shares which has never been heard of.Yet again since the on board Ryanair charity scratch card was introduced by Bondo a few years back,Ryanair have profits of €50+million on these cards alone.
Most of the cash generated from these scratch card sales are shipped to Ryanair's HQ in Dublin by Ryanair pilots in red bags.Read below what happened when a Ryanair Pilot refused to carry these red bags full of cash.

Ryanair Pilot...

Mark Christensen seeking compensation for constructive dismissal at employment tribunal.A Ryanair pilot who refused to carry bags of company cash on a flight from Manchester to Dublin has told the Employment Appeals Tribunal no documentation or security clearance had been provided when the money was brought aboard by ground crew in September 2014.

Mark Christensen who is seeking compensation for constructive dismissal told the tribunal it would have been against aviation regulations to carry bags without documentation, even when the bags had been brought aboard by Ryanair ground crew.
Mr Christensen told the tribunal he had been running through pre-flight checks in the cockpit at Manchester when a woman ground crew member placed a large bag on the cockpit floor behind him.
He said he asked if there was any documentation with the bag and the crew member had opened it revealing a number of smaller, sealed bags, before remarking, “no there is no paperwork”.
He said she said to him, “these are the bags to go to Dublin”; to which he replied, “if there is no paperwork can I see inside the smaller sealed bags”? But the ground crew member said this was not possible.
Mr Christensen said he overruled a suggestion from the first officer that the bags be taken in the hold of the plane. He said if a Civil Aviation Authority inspection had taken place his pilot’s licence would have been “on the line”.
Mr Christensen said he was subsequently faced with a disciplinary inquiry by Ryanair and was demoted to the position of first officer. The tribunal was told the demotion was initially to be for one year, but was later reduced to a period of six months.
He resigned on October 30th and subsequently took a case for unfair dismissal against the company. He is now employed with an airline in China in an advantageous position, the tribunal was told.
However counsel for Ryanair Ross Aylward told the tribunal the bags represented a routine delivery of cash from Ryanair bases across its network.
The money was from Ryanair cabin and ground sales and would be collected at airports from any one of its 69 bases across the network, and delivered to either of two counting houses, one in Dublin and one in Stansted.
Mr Aylward said carrying the money to Dublin or Stansted was standard company practice, the bags did carry documentation he said, and he told the tribunal Mr Christensen had carried such bags in the past and knew what was in them.

Company practice

Mr Aylward said what had happened in the transfer of the cash was something which “happened 69 times a day” every day. And in refusing to carry the bags Mr Christensen was breaching established company practice with which he was familiar. He said Ryanair did not accept there was no documentation accompanying the cash on the occasion. “There were documents in the bag,” he said.
In addition Mr Aylward said Mr Christensen had “ failed as a captain to come up with a solution in 20 minutes” that the plane was waiting to leave. He said the company’s internal disciplinary process had been activated, there had been two hearings and Mr Christensen had also been given the opportunity of withdrawing his resignation.
The company also disputed Mr Christensen’s salary level at the time of departure. Mr Aylward said Mr Christensen had filed a claim based on a captain’s salary of about €11,500 per month but the monthly gross for a captain was €10, 147.
Mr Aylward said it “may” also be the company’s position that as Mr Christensen subsequently moved to a more advantageous position, there was no consequent loss to the man in terms of income. 

Now read about a Ryanair pilot who was asked to carry cash on a Ryanair flight which was not documented..Some are and some are not.This is how the charity scratch card scam money is taken to Ryanair's HQ and the authories sit back and do nothing.
As the saying goes ''FOLLOW THE MONEY''


Bonderman donates shares.


RYANAIR FLIGHT DELAY CLAIMS..Ryanair Flight Delay Compensation ''NOW''...

If you bought a ticket to fly Ryanair and your flight was delayed, you could claim compensation from Ryanair..

If you’ve flown with Ryanair within the last 6 years and your flight was

delayed due to an airline issue, you may be entitled to receive over 

£500 per passenger in compensation.

Ryanair will also reimburse you for your reasonable receipted expenses 

on delays that fall into the compensation bracket above.Details below.



Flight Delay Compensation - Claim Up To £510* / €600

You need to have been delayed by 3 or more hours to claim..
You can apply for compensation for any past delays up to a maximum of 6 years prior to the current date. This is due to the statute of limitations applied to flight delay cases in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Amounts as set in EU Regulation 261/2004
If your flight was delayed by more than 3 hours, you are entitled by EU law (Regulation 261/2004) to claim from the airline depending on the distance of your flight. In the case of flights over 3,500km (outside the EU), the airline is eligible to apply a 50% flat reduction on compensation awarded if the delay was between 3 and 4 hours, if the delay was greater than 4 hours they will be liable to pay the full €600.
Your claim will be settled at the Euro equivalent on the exchange rate at the time of the delay, or on the date your claim is settled (This will depend on the airline).‡ Between an EU and a non-EU airport.
Compensation for delay
Flight distanceHow late arrivingEntitlement
Up to 1,500km (932 miles)More than 3 hours€250
Any flight within the EU over 1,500km (932 miles) or any other flight between 1,500km-3,500 km (2,175 miles)More than 3 hours€400
More than 3,500km (2,175 miles)Between 3-4 hours€300
More than 3,500km (2,175 miles)More than 4 hours€600
Making sure it is the correct legal address.Ryanair address here;Ryanair Holdings PLC,Corporate Head Office,Airside Business Park,Swords,County Dublin,Ireland.Then write a letter to the airline, using our sample letter below. There is no legal requirement to have proof of postage but it might be best to get this to be on the safe side.

                                                                                                                                                       Your Name and address 
Ryanair Holdings PLC.
Corporate Head Office.
Airside Business Park.

Swords,County Dublin
Assertion of compensation claims according to Art. 7 Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004
Dear Sir/Madam,
I hereby claim compensation according to Art. 7 of Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 for:
1. your name / street / postal code / city
2. name of other passengers (for example your wife or children)
I claim compensation relating to flight (flight number) which I booked from (departure airport) to (destination airport) on (departure date).
The flight was delayed for more than x hours OR canceled OR took place without me.
The problem was not based on exceptional circumstances or act of god.  
Due to the delay of x hours and the air distance between the airports I have the right to be compensated by xxxx for each passenger.
I am writing to request that you pay an amount of xxxx for each passenger, which comes to a total amount of €/£xxxx immediately, but not later than 2 weeks from the date of this letter.
My bank account is
Bank:   xxxxxxx
IBAN:   xxxxxx
Sift/BIC: xxxxxx
If I do not receive a response from you within the aforementioned deadline, I will seek immediate legal assistance.
With best regards
Your Name, Date and your signature

If you’ve flown with Ryanair within the last 6 years and your flight was

delayed due to an airline issue, you may be entitled to receive over 

£500 per passenger in compensation.

Ryanair will reimburse you for your reasonable receipted expenses on 

delays that fall into the compensation bracket above.Details below.



John said,

If you feel this information above is beneficial to your Ryanair flight delay claim we ask you to consider a small donation to our Ryanairdontcare Campaign which fights exploitation of cabin crew and help us continue our campaign.Paypal jonnyjade@yahoo.co.uk
Thank you.