
21 Apr 2016


On 19th April 2016 the BBC2 radio show Jeremy Vine show invited Ryanair's CEO Michael O'Leary to talk on his show about Ryanair.You can listen to the interview below.
Ryanair and Circumcision.........
Jeremy Vine ask Michael O'leary questions about charging for toilets and standing passengers on board Ryanair which gave Ryanair years of publicity even though these claims where FAKE. Michael O'leary clearly lied for free publicity on these both occasions which shows you the type of CEO he is.
Ryanair management lie time and time again over all aspects of their business as we have covered in this blog.One of the lies covered last year by the Daily Mirror came from this blog,the RYANAIR Charity Scratch Card SCAM.See article below.
Ryanair exploit cabin crew and pilots in a way that brings in multi £millions each month and wrecks the lives of thousands of new recruited cabin crew.In some cases crew at Ryanair have thoughts of suicide and in the case of a Ryanair pilot succeeded in killing himself in 2011 and was a news blackout.The police and coroners office did use this blog in helping to investigate Paul Ridgards death. See article below.
We  must point out that Ryanairdontcare Campaign believe this death was not fully investigated by the coroners office and information relating to this and Ryanair management involvement will be published in our book which will be released in 2017.
Ryanair attacks anybody who tells the truth about their scams and continue to lie and use their PR tool to spin stories.
Let us go back to the Jeremy Vine show a few days ago in which Mr Vine tells Michael O'Leary that Ryanair charges cabin crew for their uniforms.
Ryanair in 2004/5 set up two shell companies Crewlink and Workforce International
to recruit,facilitate training, with a charge for cabin crew training and give out probationary cabin crew contracts to work at Ryanair.These two shell companies are involved with 4000+ Ryanair cabin crew and do charge them £360 a year for their cabin crew uniform which is deducted from their salary each month.
Ryanair's Michael O'Leary did lie to Jeremy Vine and Ryanairdontcare Campaign's founder John Foley did phone the show and was asked by the person monitoring the BBC phone for a comment to Ryanair and was then told it is to late to put me through....Lucky escape Mr O'Leary....
You can see the salary slips below from these two Ryanair shell companies and it is very clear they are charging Ryanair cabin crew for their uniform.Look at the deductions for uniforms...

In 2013 During a debate in the House of Commons, MP Ms Berger from Liverpool raised the issue about Sophie Growcoot and accused Ryanair of exploiting its staff.Read the articles below.


This is what MP Ms Berger said in UK Parliament in 2013.

Sophie Growcoot from Liverpool did an amazing thing here exposing how bad Ryanair are and got her report mentioned in UK parliament which was targeted by the Ryanair PR team and spun.We must point out that the UK Daily Mirror did not cover this story and the Liverpool local paper Liverpool Echo did not print this story,both are owned by Trinity Mirror.
The very same day Sophie's story hit the press in the UK the Liverpool local newspaper Liverpool Echo published a PR story for Ryanair.See below.
Not a mention of this great story by Sophie Growcoot.
Ryanairdontcare Campaign did a week protest outside the Liverpool Echo's office for not telling the truth about Ryanair's exploitation of young cabin crew.

Liverpool Echo's Head Office Protest in 2013.

John said,
Ryanair are Europe's Largest Exploiter of Young Cabin Crew and will continue to Lie, as seen on BBC 2 Jeremy Vine show, to keep the money coming in.It amazes me how Ryanair  keep getting away with scamming so many young new recruits cabin crew and the authorities have all the information and do nothing..Money talks or keeps quite one thinks.

20 Apr 2016


                      "Do direct action protests work"
In 2010 Ryanairdontcare Campaign became aware of a Ryanair cabin crew training loan of €3,500 which was given to young wannabe cabin crew at Ryanair to pay for a cabin crew training course.The Bank of Ireland started giving out these loans to these probationary cabin crew even though hundreds if not thousands  where being terminated through two shell companies set up by Ryanair.These loans continue to be given out even though the bank was aware of this large termination rate at Ryanair and young people being placed in heavey dept with threats of bankrupcy given out by this bank.
We must stress that the Bank of Ireland are heavily involved with Ryanair with 70% of cabin crew (3500+) being told to open a bank account with this bank for salary payments.
(In the UK barclays bank is used for cabin crew salary payments which we have no information on).
All Irish and European Ryanair cabin crew salary payment go through the Bank of Ireland who freeze the bank accounts soon as Ryanair terminate their contracts.
We believe this to be illegal and have informed the Irish government back in 2012.
In 2011 Ryanairdontcare Campaign contacted the Bank of Ireland with information and evidence showing a high termination rate of cabin crew at Ryanair, who had taken out this bank loan, with the bank contiueing to issue this loan out.
It seemed that in 2010/11 the Bank of Ireland did listen to Ryanairdontcare  Campaign regarding this training loan and stopped it.Great we thought,but no soon after the Allied Irish Bank started doing the very same,giving out €3,500 loans to pay for Ryanair cabin crew training.
A three month direct action campaign took place against the Allied Irish Bank in UK and Ireland which ended the Ryanair cabin crew training loans for good in 2012.

                           Direct action protest Dublin

                         Direct action protest Liverpool

John said,
It was a very proud moment knowing these bank loans had stopped and young Terminated Ryanair cabin crew had stopped being blacklisted and threatened with bankruptcy from these banks.

17 Apr 2016



    Ryanair Europe's largest airline will never put safety as priority.
    Let us not be fooled into thinking Ryanair care about the welfare of the flying public.Look at how bad they treat their probationary cabin crew.Ryanair's CEO Michael O'leary is a provocateur trying to turn the public against the French air traffic controllers.
    Let us look at some few facts regarding the  French air traffic controllers Strike which Ryanair fail to mention.

    The French air traffic controllers union UNSA-ICNA who are involved in these strikes are not being listen too by Ryanair.
    This latest Strike being the 42nd in total relates to Safety Issues which Ryanair fail to inform their flying customers. 

    The job of air traffic controller in simple terms,is traffic lights in the skies.
    We all see the importance of traffic lights when driving our motorcars in reducing the accident rate in daily tourneys by car.
    As traffic lights are set by computers with a central base being a traffic HQ which monitor our roads.
    The very same happens in air traffic control central base ,which are based at airports all across Europe.
    The French air traffic controllers have been in dispute since 2009 with the computer systems they are working with not being updated.Computer technology improves massively in most sectors,more so in aviation so the French air traffic controllers feel this lack of investment in latest technology, that other airports have, could be putting the safety of aircraft in our skies at risk.They also oppose the plans to slow down the rate at which retiring staff are replaced which is putting more pressure on their jobs in air traffic control.The manpower is 20% lower with older technology but increased flights.They are talking about passengers safety here NOT profit,which Ryanair fail to mention.Ryanair's priority is their share price which intail leads to profit,"DO NOT LET RYANAIR FOOL YOU".
    Ryanair use the stranded abroad holiday makers to break these strikes which is all about Safety.
    Look at one of the newspaper headlines.
    Europe 'being held to ransom' by French unions,
     says Ryanair.

    Ryanair have set up a petition to break these strikes by French air traffic controllers with their main priority being profit not safety.The public need to wake up and fully support these air traffic controllers who are putting the safety of passengers first.

    Airports are no different to other private sectors who are answerable, like Ryanair to shareholders.Cutting back at airports will happen but it must not involve safety.Ryanair are the reason why many cut back are taking place at airports and there is a reason why airports charge more higher fees at airports for car parking,shop rents and fast track security which was started by Ryanair,
    Cutting landing fees at airports,in most cases Ryanair are paid subsidies at Airports to land their aircraft there. 
    Time for the public to open their eyes and support the French Air Traffic Controllers who are putting the safety of passengers first.

    John said, 
    How ironic for Ryanair to be talking about stranded holiday makers abroad when in 2008 Ryanair's shell company after terminating the contract of my 18 year old daughter in Dublin,left her penniless ( Ryanair shell company kept her last months salary) with no flight home to Liverpool..  Ryanair will use any means to attack union's as Ryanair believe workers should Not have any workers rights whatsoever.
                                      "RYANAIR TAKE A WORKS HUMAN RIGHT AWAY"

    John Foley, le Don Quichotte de Ryanair..


RYANAIR'S SCRATCH CARD SCAM COVERED IN POLAND..Słynne zdrapki Ryanaira to ściema? Linia odpiera zarzuty i zdradza część sekretów

Słynne zdrapki Ryanaira to ściema? Linia odpiera zarzuty i zdradza część sekretów.


Ryanair miaÅ‚ dzielić siÄ™ z organizacjami charytatywnymi częściÄ… zysków z loterii zdrapkowej, jednak z 16 mln euro wpÅ‚ywów rocznie przekazaÅ‚ na ten cel tylko 55 tys. funtów. A na dodatek szanse wygrania głównej nagrody sÄ… znikome – takie oskarżenie rozniosÅ‚o siÄ™ niedawno szerokim echem po internecie. Ryanair oddala te zarzuty i przy okazji zdradza część sekretów dotyczÄ…cych sÅ‚ynnej loterii zdrapkowej.
SÅ‚ynne zdrapki Ryanair wprowadziÅ‚ w 2010 roku jako dodatkowe źródÅ‚o dochodu. Można je kupić w czasie każdego lotu irlandzkÄ… liniÄ… – jeden los kosztuje 2 euro i daje szansÄ™ wygrania pieniÄ™dzy, samochodu lub głównej nagrody – 1 miliona euro. Linia nie ujawnia wysokoÅ›ci zysków, jakie czerpie z loterii zdrapkowej, ale przyznaje, że część dochodów przeznacza na cele charytatywne.
I to byÅ‚o głównÄ… osiÄ… ataku jaki przypuÅ›ciÅ‚ na Ryanaira niejaki James McKelvie. W swoim poÅ›cie, który kilka tygodni temu rozprzestrzeniÅ‚ siÄ™ po internecie oskarża liniÄ™, że tak naprawdÄ™ cele charytatywne to dla Ryanaira tylko przykrywka. Z tajemniczych wyliczeÅ„, na które powoÅ‚uje siÄ™ wynika, że w 2013 r. Ryanair zarobiÅ‚ na zdrapkach 16 mln euro, a na dobroczynne cele przeznaczyÅ‚ tylko 55 tys. euro, czyli 0,3 proc. caÅ‚ej zarobionej kwoty. A do tego – dodaje McKelvie – szansa na głównÄ… wygranÄ… jest absolutnie minimalna, bo los z milionem euro jest tylko jeden na caÅ‚y rok. I nawet jeÅ›li ktoÅ› go wylosuje, to nie wygrywa, tylko przechodzi do kolejnego etapu, gdzie musi wybrać 1 ze 125 kopert. Bo milion euro jest wÅ‚aÅ›nie w tej jednej kopercie.
Ryanair już odniósÅ‚ siÄ™ do posta godzÄ…cego w jego dobre imiÄ™. Rzecznik przewoźnika w rozmowie z dziennikiem „The Independent”  powiedziaÅ‚, że oskarżenia sÄ… absolutnie faÅ‚szywe, podobnie jak przytoczone liczby.
PrzyznaÅ‚ jednak, że w ciÄ…gu ostatnich 5 lat Ryanair przeznaczyÅ‚ ponad 2 miliony euro na 50 organizacji charytatywnych w 12 krajach Unii Europejskiej. WÅ›ród nich znajdujÄ… siÄ™ m.in. szpitale, szkoÅ‚y, kluby sportowe i fundacje. „Tylko w ciÄ…gu ostatnich 12 miesiÄ™cy przeznaczyliÅ›my na ten cel 500 tys. euro”.
Rzecznik dodał również, że w ciągu minionych 5 lat główna nagroda nie została jeszcze zdobyta, ale pasażerowie linii wygrali do tej pory nagrody pieniężne i samochody w kwocie 1,5 mln euro.
Ile Ryanair zarabia na zdrapkach?
Wyliczenia internauty pochodzÄ… ze strony Ryanair I don’t care zrzeszajÄ…cej przeciwników tanich linii. Jej wÅ‚aÅ›ciciele szacujÄ…, że Å›rednio na lot pasażerowie kupujÄ… 15 zdrapek. Mnożąc to przez 1600 lotów dziennie, jakie wykonuje przewoźnik, daje to kwotÄ™ ok. 12,5 miliona funtów rocznie.
Jednocześnie nawet jeśli szczęśliwiec nie wylosuje koperty z 1 mln euro, nie odchodzi od stołu z pustymi rękami. W każdej z pozostałych 124 kopert znajduje się bowiem czek na 10 tys. euro.
Mężczyzna, który zjadł kupon
Choć oferowane przez obsÅ‚ugÄ™ zdrapki irytujÄ…, czÄ™sto wiążą siÄ™ z nimi dziwne i zabawne historie. W 2011 roku troje pasażerów Ryanaira lecÄ…cych z Mediolanu do Madrytu wygraÅ‚o głównÄ… nagrodÄ™ w postaci wartego ok. 70 tys. zÅ‚ samochodu. Ryanair szybko ogÅ‚osiÅ‚, że zdarzenie byÅ‚o pomyÅ‚kÄ… firmy drukarskiej, ale z obawy o kiepski PR uznaÅ‚ wygrane i przekazaÅ‚ auta każdemu pasażerowi ze zwyciÄ™skim losem. Z kolei w 2010 r. 10 tys. euro wygraÅ‚ Polak lecÄ…cy z Krakowa do East Midlands. Mężczyzna nie wytrzymaÅ‚ jednak napiÄ™cia – gdy zaÅ‚oga samolotu poinformowaÅ‚a go, że wygranej nie otrzyma natychmiast, bo na pokÅ‚adzie nie ma takiej kwoty pieniÄ™dzy, zirytowany czÅ‚owiek…zjadÅ‚ swój zwyciÄ™ski los.

John said,
I am so glad the Polish cabin crew at Ryanair see the profit generated by Ryanair with this scratch card scam and will question the low salary they are being paid.