
30 Jan 2012


The main reason why The World's No1 Anti Ryanair blog and Campaign,Ryanairdontcare Campaign was set up in 2008......Peaceful Protests  below...


I must also point out our original protest Blog was closed by Google early 2011....This is our second Blog which have had over 63,000 hits so far.....We are not selling anything ''MICHAEL O'LEARY''.....

Thomas Major Lester..........Give a child a fair chance..............
John Foley ...Ryanair give our Child a fair chance to become Cabin Crew............

My 18 year old daughter Sarah who has always wanted to become cabin crew from a small age.
She finished her studies and passed her exams with 3 A levels.I thought she was going to university but one day she informed me and her mun that she had applied to a company called StJames Management (scammer)

to become cabin crew at Ryanair.A deposit was paid and training took place for 6 weeks in Bishop Stortford..After the 6 week period Sarah had passed all exams and was now a qualified cabin crew...This was a very exiting time for Sarah who at 18 had taken her own decision to start working.
We were and still are very proud of Sarah.
She was given a contract by Crewlink (scammer 2)


 and was based in Dublin.This was very hard for her parents as she was still very young and was moving to Ireland..At first Sarah thought maybe she would be given Liverpool John Lennon as Ryanair were based there and she lived there.
(Ryanair try to base young students away from their home easier to scam).
Off she went to Dublin working as she thought for Ryanair on their aircraft...After a 7 week period Sarah was called into head office in Dublin with 20 others..They were all Terminated and the reason was The Recession..This was a very hard time for Sarah and she was alone in Dublin by this time and cryed  for days..Ryanair refused to give her a flight back home to UK after Termination even though a free flight was given when Sarah started working at Ryanair..Sarah was told by a Ryanair supervisor,;;YOU DO NOT WORK FOR US ANYMORE,so no flight home....An 18 year old Scouse girl had seen through this scam and after being refused a flight home had told Ryanair supervisors never to forget her name ''FOLEY''. how true was these words...)
Sarah did not know how to explain what had happened to her .After 5 days she contacted me in Liverpool.I took a ferry to Dublin to pick her up with all her belongings and on the ferry back home Sarah said ,Dad i think i have been scammed.
I said, do not be silly a big company like Ryanair don't act in that way (how wrong i was) .Then Sarah told me the day before her Termination a Ryanair supervisor had asked Sarah to resign if she was home sick....After reading her contract a fee of 200 Euro must be paid if you resign..The alarm bells started to ring.....
Total family investment for training,accommodation whilst training,apartment deposit in Dublin and last months salary,kept by Ryanair over £5,000....Loosing this Money is not important,what is important is the damage to my child by Ryanair.....
As a few weeks went by i found out that Sarah was not alone


a report a few months before from the Mirror had run a story..Ryanairdontcare Campaign was set up and many other Terminated students contacted me and the same pattern was unfolding...Ryanair had set up some recruitment companies and agents to recruit,train and scam our children.....Crewlink,StJames Management,Dalmac and Cavok are all used to scam young students.......
16th December 2008 was my first move in my protests which are in its 4 year this year.This first protest was as St James Management recruitment day for cabin crew at Stansted Radisson hotel were i went dresses as Santa and gain access to the room were 70 students were getting talked to by Ryanair..Live the high Life and all that Bull....
I started to give students a leaflet of what happened only a few months ago in this very same room to which the staff snatched these leaflets off the students,so i started to shout out all about the scam.Police were called,Ryanair always call the police on me as they want to get rid of me and keep me away from the students so they can  continue to scam...
I felt so sad whilst i was in this room for two reasons,one my child had be recruited and scammed from this very same room and most of these young students in front of me were being groomed  to be scammed.

Protests continued through 2009 and 2010 i was charged and found guilty with harassment of a JOHN MUDGE who has StJames Management in his name and he was the start of the scam....
Many letters were sent to the authorities in 2009 and even a personal visit with a Polish student who was scammed.,to Government in London.No one wanted to listen and help other students who were still getting scammed by Ryanair...Roof protests started to high light these issues and let other young people know to stay away from Europe's Greatest Scammers of Young People ''RYANAIR'
In 2011 Michael O'Leary had agreed after one year of asking and a protest at his mansion house in Ireland,to meet me which took place April 2011 in Dublin...I told him and his 3 other SCAM helpers at this meeting,how he had abused and scammed my child...Face to Face...O'leary himself expected me to kick off to which he was sadly surprised as i kept carm and direct..Ryanair supervisor and Management put in place reasons for Sarah'sTermination as a direct result of Ryanairdontcare Campaign being formed in 2008 to cover her Termination in 2008.Ryanair scammers say, Sarah had 9 employment issues in 7 weeks of work..Ryanair Supervisors own emails which were passed to me have 4 and 5 issues...Michael O'Leary himself changed the number of issues in correspondences to me also...This shows how deceitful Ryanair are but also shows how they can slip up....I have the paper evidence to which i put twice to the Irish government in 2011,to which i am still waiting for a reply.
We say we would do anything if our children were hurt..''TALK the TALK'' ''WALK the WALK i am walking all the way.....I will go 'all the way'' if needed not only for my own daughter but to stop other young students going through what my child went through.....Protests to continue until the Government UK and Ireland look as Recruitment,Employment and Termination at Ryanair...An Independent Investigation is needed and it was needed 3 years ago.....Many more young students lives are wrecked each week by Ryanair for profit....Millions made on exploitation of their crew at Ryanair and it must stop......I call on the public to ask, why are flights sometimes cheap,they exploit young  probationary cabin crew,think of this the next time your booking a flight with Ryanair....You could stop this practise by your BOYCOTT.......
Join our facebook group 12th to 18th March week of action below...


Also our Ryanairdontcare Campaign's facebook group below


French press have done us proud..



Just a shame the Irish and English press don't care....Never wanting to look at why a father of 4 should fight Ryanair in this way all alone and never thinking about my child and other parents children who are scammed daily by Ryanair,....Maybe something to do with ADVERT REVENUE ???????????
Ryanair place advert weekly in the Liverpool Echo page 7.As you can see below a recent roof protest at John Lennon Airport by Ryanairdontcare Campaign which lasted 17 hours did not get a mention in the Liverpool Echo,good job i had a photographer there myself.. Look below


Also a suicide of a Real Important pilot at Ryanair who was based at John Lennon Airport did not get a thought even though his colleagues had contacted our campaign telling us ,working practises of Ryanair towards this pilot were an issue.....Peel Holdings,JLA owners wish also to keep this out of the public domain....Ryanairdontcare Campaign do not turn a blind eye like the Liverpool Echo and Peel Holdings did.Post below.


John said,
As a parent i must do my best for my child.I do not want others to go through what we have been through as a family because of the abuse from Ryanair....Suicide and Suicide thoughts of crew are involved inside of Ryanair as a direct result of Michael 'O;leary and David Bonderman (who worked in the attorney generals office in Civil Rights...HYPOCRITE..     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Bonderman     ...which the authorities are turning a blind eye to,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NOT ME......................

Irish and UK Governments must act ''NOW''.

Youtube Videos Ryanairdontcare

Campaign protests  http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=ryanair%2Ffoley%20protests&gbv=2&rlz=1R2ADFA_enGB462&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=2839l10811l0l11216l22l22l0l13l2l0l203l1573l0.6.3l9l0&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi 

Below is Sarah aged 15 meeting her idol ''Stevie G'' now at 22 she likes to be called Sarah Gerrard Foley.

John said
26th January 2012
Happy 22nd Birthday Sarah
Love Dad xxx

                                Below Sarah aged 16 at the F.A Cup final with me....Great day travelling
                                to cardiff as Sarah rigged the car out ''STEVIE G'' Style..............

               Sarah in Dublin aged 18 getting scammed by Ryanair's David Bonderman and Michael O'Leary.
Who not only broke my heart,wrecked Sarah's career in aviation but abused and still do, so many other young people wishing to become cabin crew '' for profit ''

Ryanair's Michael O'Leary and David Bonderman commercially abuse not only Sarah but hundreds if not thousands of other young people since 2004.
Both of you will be held accountable mark my word.

Exploiter of young people below.
Doomed to Fail ''Michael''

Evil man.

Evil Man.

Week of action against Exploitation of young people by Ryanair
12th March till 18th March
Ryanair's ''Ryanair Chase'' which is held at Cheltenham.Please boycott betting
on this race.
This will send a strong message to O'Leary and Bonderman who are
sponsoring this race for £280,000 but on the other hand are paying 18 to 22 year old £10 as cabin crew to fly from Liverpool to Dublin at 36,000 ft.
A Independent Investigation is needed into RECRUITMENT-EMPLOYMENT-TERMINATION at Ryanair which i put to O'Leary in 2010 and 2011 to which he refused.
The reason why is simply,Ryanair have so much to hide and an Independent Investigation would
open up a large tin of worms inside Ryanair which makes O'Leary and Bonderman ''Millions''each year.
David Bonderman is worth $1.9 Billion and Michael O'Leary is worth 500 Million Euro
John Foley is a working class farther fighting alone.
Time for action Time for Change
Ryanairdontcare Campaign will be 100% committed to stopping Ryanair from wrecking so many young peoples lives.

We call on all unions and football clubs to boycott flying Ryanair in respect of exploited crew at Ryanair.
We can all send a strong message to David Bonderman and Michael O'Leary
Donations to support our protests are most welcome to keep up the fight.
Details at the heading of this blog.Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Interesting. Good action to defend your principles. And for the previous anonymous, do you think interrupting a football match is THAT important? What this man haves to say is more important that your F*cking football match.

Go on and do more times, if possible, abroad.

Anonymous said...

if possible *also* abroad, I meant, so many people knows this thing.

Anonymous said...

Since you are a liverpool supporter why didn't you perform you protest at anfield?
Everton will probably get fined for your behaviour so next time do it across the park.

Anonymous said...

According to Crewlink in her 7 week probationary period your daughter:
Turned up late for work on multiple occasions.
Called in sick on multiple occasions.
Failed to turn up at all on one occasion.
She would not have got past the probationary period in most companies.

Europe's No 1 Anti Ryanair Campaigner John Foley.... said...

Reply to comment above which could be from Ryanair...
You are compleatly wrong,On termination no issues were given either word or paper form..These so called issue occurred once Ryanairdontcare Campaign and protests were started in 2008 and when the Liverpool echo looked at this Termination...
Ryanairdontcare Campaign is not just about my own child who was recruitment scammed it is about other young people to...
Termination of Probationary cabin crew at Ryanair is 60% of 4000 young people,how can Ryanair justify this level,,,,O yes a training fee of up to 3000 Euro...UNDERSTAND...

Benjamin said...

Though it's sad what happened to your daughter, ryanair have a reputation of being a no frills flight company, surely she couldn't have expected to be treated even remotely acceptable, when Ryanair can't even look after their passengers. It is what it is, they're a cheap and cheerful company, nothing special, if you want to get from A-B cheap, you take Ryanair. I'd imagine same goes for the cabin crew. Because its such a low cost airline, Ryanair staff should expect to be treated the same as Ryanair passengers, if not worse.
She shOuld have tried to get with other companies like BA, Virgin, Qatar, Delta... Etc.

As for the person posting aboUt the reason of her dismissal, surely you shouldn't have been given access to this information anyway? I would have thought that information is only accessible by cabin crew staff, Ryanair or the person in question herself.

Good luck, the company won't be around much longer. Look at panam.

Richie said...

Good on you John. Not sure you'll gain many fans interrupting a football match but it got media attention.
My sister was recruited by Ryanair in March 2011 and sent to Portugal for training which she passed and was then sent to London. The cost of all this had broken my parents and it was going to cost too much to stay in London so she asked to be sent home to Ireland. Ryanair refused and told her to "get out of the airport and don't let anyone see your uniform". Of the 20 or so kids who went for training NONE have been retained but ALL are broke from paying for it. Disgraceful treatment from Ryanair all round.

Anonymous said...

ATTENTION - All personal comments about John Foley's daughter are posted here by Rayainir themselves and they are nothing else but defamation of character.

Everyone who read these comments, please read John Foley's blog which exposes Ryanair termination for profit strategies.



Anonymous said...

ATTENTION - All personal comments about John Foley's daughter are posted here by Rayainir themselves and they are nothing else but defamation of character.

Everyone who read these comments, please read John Foley's blog which exposes Ryanair termination for profit strategies.



Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.