
1 Aug 2011

RYANAIR'S DARRELL HUGHES Deputy Director of Personnel...IN DENIEL....

Ryanair head office 2nd day protest on 26th July 2011.Darrell Hughes came over to me.I do not know why but he wanted to see what i was up to..PROTESTING Mr Hughes,same as i have done for 3 year.......
As you can see,look at Hughes body language once i say DENIAL....
This guy uses his hands to explain points of why i should not be near their head office.He also wanted to inform me, the law of harassment as if i did not know.
Mr Hughes as you said,i was arrested for harassment of StJames management JOHN MUDGE,who recruits cabin crew to be SCAMMED by Ryanair...I think i know the law better than you when it comes to harassment.A person can not be found guilty of harassment of a company, RYANAIR is a company right Mr Hughes....If O'Leary and Bonderman are worried about my presence at Ryanair's head office ''TUFF''

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