
21 Jul 2012

RYANAIR PRISONER & SLAVE ..THIS IS PROBATIONARY CABIN CREW At RYANAIR Who Are Europe's Greatest Exploiter Of Young People... WIĘZIEŃ RYANAIR & SLAVE .. To jest próbny personelu pokładowego na linii Ryanair, którzy w Europie Greatest wyzyskiwacza Młodzieży ...

I absolutely confirm this ... no health insurance ... no pension ... months of unpaid leave ... and continuous treats of being fired if you get sick. There are people working with serious sicknesses and are not able to go to a doctor because they cannot afford to pay the fee. I would like to underline that Ryanair is deducting social insurance but somehow in the countries we work we are not covered.
If you know anyone who wants to join please advised them NOT TOO. At the course they are telling all the lies ... and when you come you are nothing else as a PRISONER or a SLAVE. Trust me I have been there.

John said,
Comment above is from a Polish Ryanair cabin crew member who resigned.

If you are Terminated by Ryanair your career in
aviation will be damaged forever.All airlines ask for a 5 year work/study record...Question to ask yourself..........which airline would take you on as cabin crew if your TERMINATE by Ryanair Answer 
Time to wake up and boycott working as Probationary Cabin Crew at Ryanair.............

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