
20 Sept 2013


Portuguese student posted information regarding a company called Groundlink who are working together with Ryanair to get your money...
Promise to LIVE THE HIGH LIFE,which is a lie...
You can see the information below which was posted by a Portuguese student who is helping to spread the word ''RYANAIR RECRUITMENT For TERMINATION''...

 Já há tempos vos tinha falado de que é parece mentira que seja preciso dinheiro para arranjar um emprego

Hoje recebi um e-mail da GroundLink para frequentar o seu curso de inglês por apenas 170euros, vinha com o numero de conta e tudo para que a gente possa fazer a transferencia para a GroundLink o mais rapidamente possivel. Comecei a achar que isto era um esquema, e afinal é mesmo, vejam: http://ryanairdontcarecrew.blogspot.pt/

Eu sei que está tudo desesperado por encontrar emprego, mas calma! Se as empresas querem contratar, só estas é que devem proporcionar aos potenciais colaboradores condições para que estes possam mostrar o seu valor e pagar a sua formação especializada para a área de actuação da empresa!

Google Translate below
Already there are times you have spoken a lie that is seems that is takes money to get a job

Today I received an email from GroundLink to attend your English course for only 170euros, came with the account number and everything so that we can make the transfer to GroundLink as soon as possible. I began to think that this was a scam, and after all is the same, see: http://ryanairdontcarecrew.blogspot.pt/

I know you're all desperate to find employment, but quiet! If companies want to hire, only these is that potential employees should provide conditions for them to show their value and pay their specialized training in the area of activity of the company!

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